Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eggplants Coming Out My Ears

Mind you, I'm not complaining. I am, though, experimenting with ways to cook them.

Last night I made a pot big enough to freeze of Eggplant Chowdah. Absolutely delicious. Good thing, too, because I made alot and continued to doctor it until it was yummy. It could have gone very wrong and I'd pour it onto the compost heap.

Ingredients: lots of eggplant peeled and cut to chunks, a dozen or so small patty pan squash just because they were there, a walla onion, a couple cloves of garlic, the first ripe tomatoes (skins and all) and a can of chick peas. Some oregano. Salt to taste. I put the lid on and let it cook a half hour. It was going to be Eggplant Stew. Then I thought about winter and wanting to feel full. I added cream and mozzarella cheese. And voila! Lovely soup for dinner. And for winter.

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