Thursday, July 19, 2007


I love blueberry season. They're pretty and delicious and it's early this year. It's time to make a blueberry sign. We have one for the store. One more needs to be put at the crossroads 100 yards up. The going price is $5.50 - $6.00 a quart. Last year we sold them for $5/qt. and did very very well.

Open Farm Day is this Sunday also. Another sign to post at the front of the property needs to get made. I thought I would spray it red and write in white.

And Farmers' Market is still on Saturday. Lots of harvesting and staying organized. Salad, beets, peas, flowers, zucchini, patty pans, herbs, eggs etc...signs, tags, pamphlets, bags, change etc...

I need to pick up more oil & drop off buckets for oil. Union Fair is letting us get their vendor oil again this year. Most awesome! And we are waiting to hear from Windsor Fair.

I finished planting the new beds in the greenhouse on the east side. Now I have the West side to do. The greenhouse is, of course, very warm in the summer. Come winter it will be kept around 70. Boy, I wish we had the generator already. Lights would help in the winter so much.

This is a picture of our gargantuan Elephant Ears. A beautiful rock wall in the greenhouse is a bed for fun: Elephant Ears, a Rubber Tree and an assortment of tropical houseplants. Behind that wall is our little store. When you walk from the store into the greenhouse the Elephant Ear bed is on your right. This winter, in February, we were astonished to see a bloom on it. We have NEVER seen an Elephant Ear bloom!

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