Given Seeds
I have been eye balling the Bowles Black Violas. They had a ton of seed pods and it had been raining on and off (more on) for days and days. Today is the first VERY hot day. After I finished planting another crop of peas and the rutabagas I was walking past the violas and there was just an awesome amount of opened seed pods ready to fly their seeds. I scrambled to gather as many as I could because the moment was NOW and I had to leave to go to town in 10 minutes. My daughter came out, perfect timing and helped to gather and finished the gathering while I was gone to town. I like that part: teaching my children to save seed. When I finished my business in town, (Rockland) I stopped by some folks I know. They have a couple of expired Mountain Bluet patches. And they let me harvest a BUNCH of seeds. My son helped with those. And home we go.
Too cool.

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