Winter is Coming
Am I crazy?
No. I just woke up yesterday morning to a coolness in the air that was here again this morning. Yesterday, the sun came out and it was glorious. Cool breezes punctuated each warm spell. But it smelled like winter. And I am wearing a sweatshirt 2 days in a row at 6 in the morning when I don't want to. But it's chilly. So I am.
I suppose I ought to get back into enjoying the gorgeous days. Instead of feeling a little dampened by the reminder that summer is nearing it's end. Maybe Indian Summer and Autumn will last longer this year? Maybe the 2nd rainy season will be delayed...I don't mind winter ..........................when it comes in November. Snow is pretty and smells good. The world is quieter, peaceful, subdued. I get to warm my home with soups and stews and the smells of fresh baked bread. Maybe I'll get me a snow suit this year and go play with the kids. Snow men are fun. So are snowball fights and skating on our little pond. I just don't much care for the pre-winter rainy season though. It's dank and depressing and too darn chilly, while being muddy and grey. And I so love the sunshine.
If I keep reminding myself of how wonderful everything is when the sun comes out in the winter, which is often; of sun on snow, glistening branches and serene scenes of the pristine, maybe I won't waste the rest of my summer being depressed about winter coming.
My husband keeps reminding me that we have a greenhouse. Where things stay green. Haha. I am looking forward to tending the plants in 70 degree leafy wonderland. Planning what starts to begin for 2008, which part of the property will get dug up next... The papaya trees have grown so well this warm season. Making sure they last till spring is a good thing to do. I believe we will have fruit in 2008! How cool is that?!
I am digging a new bed to border the pond lawn and frame more of the driveway. Cut flowers and garlic is the plan. I was told that the garlic I plant in autumn will greet me with green shoots when the snow is still on the ground. Now that's a nice thought.
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