Friday, April 4, 2008


Crazy March.

Seeding and transplanting ev-er-ree-thing.

2 years ago we planted celery. First time I ever tasted celery I liked. No bitterness, no strings. Fresh celery! Yummy and crunchy and just darned delicious. Well, one plant over wintered and last summer it grew to seed. I collected the seed and not knowing what would happen because I didn't store them with any care, (like I should have because I love fresh celery, right?) I took 5 plastic flats and seeded the b'jeezus out of them. And now I have like thousands of little baby celery sprouts. I have transplanted over 200 thus far and am not feeling to hot about chucking the rest. So even though the garden plan is to grow about 200 plants, I believe we will be growing more than that!

And eggplants, cayennes, tobascos, jalapenos, marconis, all have sprouted. So the 2 seeds I placed in every spot has left me with double the plants. I have never, and I mean never, have I ever had such germination rates.

Well, the garden, I think, will be even bigger than we planned. Better plan on canning.

We ARE looking for volunteers, workshare folks, apprentices and interns.

Any takers?

Gasp, Help!

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